About Nicolle Kopping-Pavars

Empowerment Coach, Kindness Ambassador, Former Lawyer, Mindfulness Teacher and Energy Healer

My Mission: Changing lives one kindful moment at a time.

IACP International Association of Collaborative Professionals
mindfulness society of canada

Hi, I’m Nicolle. In a corporate landscape often dominated by fear and competition, I advocate for a different paradigm—one where kindness and compassion reign supreme.

My journey towards this belief is deeply personal. I experienced a profound moment of compassion that saved my life when faced with the barrel of a gun. This encounter reshaped my perspective on leadership and human connection, setting me on a path to empower individuals and organizations through compassion-driven coaching and mentorship.

With over two decades of experience as a lawyer running my own law firm, I’ve navigated the complexities of legal practice and business while fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. This background, coupled with my commitment to kindness, equips me to guide professionals and organizations towards success.

My Mission

I am committed to spreading this message of kindness and compassion on a global scale. By fostering cultures of empathy and understanding, I aim to create kinder, cohesive and connected work environments.

What Sets Me Apart

At the core of my brand is a dedication to kindness and compassion.
From leadership programming to keynote addresses, my offerings prioritize genuine connection and community.

Training & Expertise

I offer a holistic approach to coaching and mentoring. My personalized sessions empower individuals and leaders alike to cultivate clarity and confidence in their decision-making. Beyond guidance, I offer a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

My Ideal Clients

I work with individuals and organizations committed to positive change. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, compassionate leadership, or overall wellness, my services cater to those dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and empathy.

Ready to Begin?

If you’re ready to embrace a world where kindness triumphs over fear, I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, we can cultivate a culture where every individual has the power to thrive.